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Salvation through Jesus what a glorious gift
He gives us a destiny beyond our dreams
He is our past, present and future,
He is as great as the values he redeems!

The gift of Salvation is ours through Jesus
We are justified by his past; he secures us today,
And because he shed his blood for us on the cross
Our future in Heaven is assured in every way!

Those who choose to reject this glorious gift
And the word they choose to not hear,
Will suffer Gods wrath poured out in full measure
Living life and eternity in anger, torment and fear!

The end is now nearing, Jesus shall soon return
Sending his glorious gift that each man has attained,
We shall fear not the day when we see his face
For by his gift our salvation was gained!

Jesus gave up His human life to save ours.
Jesus said that His death was the only acceptable payment for sin. He is our ONLY way to God. He died to give our spirit eternal life. Without Him, we are spiritually dead. Ephesians 2:1-2

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