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How can I pray to God?
He is so much greater than me!
Why would he listen to my words
When his powers can part the sea?

Why would God send Angels down
to watch over me each day?
How can I pray to such a mighty king
How can I know what to say?

Why would God whose power reins
over all creation on earth and above
listen to one as underserving as me
then embrace me with all of his love?

Why would God perfect in wisdom
listen to one so broken?
With unmeasured deep awareness
he answers in words now unspoken.

God in his glory loves me and listens
as i come to him with each prayer.
For he not only listens but answers each one
then he lifts up the pain that I bear.

Though I'm not perfect
He forgives me and makes me whole.
He gives me each day anew
To embrace him and bless my soul.

Praise to the one who created heaven and earth
Praise to the one with great power
Praise to the who hears my prayers
Then sends light to my darkest hour!
Praise to the who sent down his son
So all sinners on earth may be free!
Praise to the one who was nailed to the cross
and shed his precious blood for me!

John 16:32
Behold, the hour comes, yea, has now come, that you will be scattered, each man to his own things, and you will leave Me alone. And yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me.

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